Taking a monthly (at least) walk along the banks and reporting back if you notice pollution events, or fallen trees etc. Banks you champion will be with your agreement to cover the watercourses of the Borough.
Your chance to get involved with controlling Invasive Non Native Species (INNS) that are harming our waterways.
Work parties will be managed by trained leaders and covered by insurance.
Tools & PPE will be provided
2 - 4 times a year, testing the water for Nitrate & Phosphate levels, monitoring how they change through the seasons and with environmental activities. The data is submitted to European monitoring programme.
Training, support and materials will be provided.
Full training will be provided as this activity asks for monthly kick testing of a designated section of river bed. The sample will then be processed and invertebrate counted to monitor water quality and support water testing data.
Litter picking with twist, collecting information about the plastics salvaged from the river and banks. The data is submitted to a European monitoring programme.
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